Rhinological findings after transnasal-transseptal hypophysectomy

Yavuz Uyar, Çağatay Han Ülkü, Ertuğ Özkal, Osman Acar

  • Year : 1999
  • Vol : 15
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 99-103
Presently there are many surgical approaches in the treatment of pituitary gland tumors. Among these, trans- nasal- transseptal approach gives the surgeon a good point of view and the opportunity the reach the tumor in a short time. The patient operated by these techniques have been evaluated from the point of rhinologial findings. By discustion the results in the light of literatüre, this approach has been found an acceptable surgical technique for the patient from the anatomic and functional point of view.
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Rhinological findings after transnasal-transseptal hypophysectomy
, Vol. 15 (2)
Received : 05.10.1999, Accepted : 05.10.1999, Published Online : 05.10.2020
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