Role Of Ischemia-Modified Albumin In Early Diagnosis Of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia In Rats


  • Year : 2018
  • Vol : 34
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 55-59
Aim: The role of ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) was investigated in the early diagnosis of arterial and venous mesenteric ischemia. We aimed to determine novel procedures for the early diagnosis of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia (AMI), by evaluating serum IMA levels during the first 30 minutes, first, and third hours, in groups that have developed arterial and venous ischemia. Materials and Methods: In the experimental part of the study, three groups, each consisting of eight rats; 1st group: control; the 2nd group: ligation of superior mesenteric artery (SMA); and the 3rd group: ligation of superior mesenteric vein (SMV). Samples of venous blood were withdrawn in the first 30 minutes, first, and third hours in all three groups, and serum IMA levels were evaluated. Results: IMA levels in the first 30 minutes, first, and third hours were significantly higher in the 2nd group where SMA was ligated, and in the 3rd group where SMV was ligated, compared with the control group. Statistically significant results were obtained regarding the high IMA levels in the first half hour following ligation of SMA and SMV, which might be indicative of the period prior to ischemia. Conclusion: IMA may be considered as a new marker in the early diagnosis of AMI
Cite this Article As : Durgut H, Ozer SB, Kucukkartallar T. Role of Ischemia-Modified Albumin in Early Diagnosis of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia in Rats. Selcuk Med J 2018;34(2): 55-59
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Role Of Ischemia-Modified Albumin In Early Diagnosis Of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia In Rats
, Vol. 34 (2)
Received : 13.08.2017, Accepted : 13.08.2017, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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