Serum Fructosamine Levels of Diabetic Patients

MEHMET AKÖZ, İdris Akkuş, Ahmet Çığlı, Mustafa Ünaldı, MEhmet Akdoğan, Recep Gökçe

  • Year : 1992
  • Vol : 8
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 211-213
In this study , serum fructosamine levels of he-althy and diabetic patients were determined. Serum fructosamine levels of diabetics and cont-rols were 3.423.80 and 2.22-1-0.52 mMİL, respecti-vely. The difference was significant statistically ( p <0.01 Sinee fructosamine assay is both easy and appii-cable ta otoanalysers, it can be used as a rutin test in the follow up diabetic patients.
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Serum Fructosamine Levels of Diabetic Patients
, Vol. 8 (2)
Received : 24.10.1992, Accepted : 24.10.1992, Published Online : 24.10.2020
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