Serum Gastrin Levels in Chronic Renal Failure

AHMET KAYA, MEHDİ YEKSAN, ŞAMİL ECİRLİ, HASAN HÜSEYİN TELLİ, A. Nuri sezer, Hüseyin Kazancı, Laika Karabulut, Mehmet Polat

  • Year : 1989
  • Vol : 5
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 167-179
An increase in serum gastrin levels is noted in patients with chronic renal failure. In our study, serum gastrin levels of 24 patients with chronic renal failure who were under 10 conservative treatment and 14 hemodialysis treatment were determined. Serum gastrin levels of both groups were significantly higher than the control group (p <0.05). There was no correlation between total gastrin levels and serum creatinine levels. In addition, we found that serum gastrin levels after hemodialysis did not show a significant decrease compared to pre-hemodialysis.
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Serum Gastrin Levels in Chronic Renal Failure
, Vol. 5 (1)
Received : 23.11.1989, Accepted : 23.11.1989, Published Online : 23.11.2020
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