Splenectonzy indications iıl children.

Alaaddin Dilsiz, Ahmet Hamdi Gündoğan, Lütfi Dağdönderen

  • Year : 1997
  • Vol : 13
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 152-154
Between 1983 and 1996 splenic surgerv was peıfonned irr a tatar` of 47 .children in the Research Hospital of Medical Faculty of Selçuk Unive•sity. The age• of the patients were betıveen one and 16 vc'ars. Of the patients 38 under•ent splenectomy. of. which 17 were pelforıned general sur.,!:;eons be-Pre 1991_ Pediatric surgeons have been performin these procedures since rhen. When these two periods are coınpared It is frJldlrfl that. the most U)/i dication.v for ,splenectomy are trannut and he-motological diseases before 1991 aml cıfıer tlıen. respectivelv. Wc' suppusod that. the ı-eason of the (lif-frrence between tvı,o periods is the impo•tance of- the jımetions of the spleen is not elem- in adults as iır (.-hildren and therefrre. .fi)r the menagemenı of the trattmatic children, the methocl used hrgenaral sur-geons i.s different from ılıaı (ıf pedian-k:surgeons_
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Splenectonzy indications iıl children.
, Vol. 13 (2)
Received : 13.10.1997, Accepted : 13.10.1997, Published Online : 13.10.2020
Selçuk Tıp Dergisi