Squamous Cell Metaplasia of Bladder İnduced by Recurrent Eosinophilic Cystitis

MEHMET MESUT PİŞKİN, Mustafa Cihat AVUNDUK, Talat Yurdakul

  • Year : 2006
  • Vol : 22
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 127-130
Aim: To present a squamous cell metaplasia of bladder which is induced by a rarely seen pathology called recurrent eosinophilic cystitis. Case report: Twenty four years old female patient, admitted to our clinic with frequent urination, suprapubic pain and dysuria. Microscopic hematuria was found in urine analysis. We performed cystoscopy under general anestesia and an edematous, ulcerative lesion located at the trigone was found. The lesion was resected transuretrally. Pathology revealed eosinophilic cystisis. The patient began antihystaminics and aniticholinergics. The symptoms of the patient relapsed 2 months after medical treatment. This time the cystoscopy revealed a similiar lesion in a different area than the first one. The lesion was resected transurethrally. The biopsy revealed squamous cell metaplasia of epithelium and eosinophilic cell infiltration. Patient began steroid and antihistaminic combination postoperstively. The patients has been followed up to 6 months without any symptom. Result: Medical treatment is effective in the control of reccurencies of eosinophilic cystitits. Recurrent eosinophilic cystitis might cause squamous cell metaplasia in the bladder mucosa.
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Squamous Cell Metaplasia of Bladder İnduced by Recurrent Eosinophilic Cystitis
, Vol. 22 (3)
Received : 10.02.2006, Accepted : 10.02.2006, Published Online : 30.09.2020
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