Superior Approach To The Orbit (An Ana-tomical Study)

NAZMİ ZENGİN, Enis Cezayirli, Mehmet Ersoy, Kaplan Arıncı

  • Year : 1994
  • Vol : 10
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 57-62
A detailed knowledge of anatomical structure of the orbit is essential for understanding the pat-hophysiology of the orbital disease and performing surgery in this area. In order to gain this knowledge and experience, we performed anatomical dissections via superior approach on 24 orbits of 12 well preserved cadavers. We herein report our observations which can be help, to ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, and otolaryngologists during orbital surgery.
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Superior Approach To The Orbit (An Ana-tomical Study)
, Vol. 10 (1)
Received : 17.10.1994, Accepted : 17.10.1994, Published Online : 17.10.2020
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