Sydenham Chorea


  • Year : 2015
  • Vol : 31
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 95-101
Sydenham’s Chorea (SC) is a neurological movement disorder that results from antistreptocpccal antibodies cross-reacting with brain tissues, especially basal ganglia and causing to an inflamatory reaction. According to the 1992 modified Jones criteria, acute rheumatic fever is a major criterion and is sufficient evidence on which to base a diagnosis. SC is frequently seen in the 5-15 years of age. It appears approximately 6 months later from the attack of ARF. SC usually continues 4-6 weeks, it may be permanent. Carditis accompanies SC much more frequently than the other signs of ARF. SC is a neuropsychiatric disorder that may present with anxiety, emotional lability, obsessive compulsive symptoms, attention deficit and hyperactivity symptoms or tics. Most of the cases improve spontanously and many treatment are available. Recurence is common. Penisilin prophylaxis should continued to avoid carditis and recurrence. SC is considered to be the most common cause of acquired chorea in devoloping countries. Even though it has been recognized for centuries, it has kept up its importance by periodic exacerbations. SC and ARF are still declining in recent years in our country, together with which is a significant cause of morbidity as a public health problem.
Cite this Article As : Gümüş H,Gümüş M.Sydenham Kore. Selcuk Med J 2015;31(2): 95-101
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Sydenham Chorea
, Vol. 31 (2)
Received : 02.10.2014, Accepted : 02.10.2014, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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