The Anti-HCV Seropositivity in Patients with Different Solid Tumors

BÜLENT BAYSAL, MAHMUT BAYKAN, Ali Koşar, A. Zeki Şengil, Ayşen Karabayraktar, Mehmet Çerçi

  • Year : 1993
  • Vol : 9
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 236-239
Tumors In This study, anti-HCV seropozitivity was inves-tigated in 46 new diagnosed patients with different solid tumors without hepatocelluler carcinoma, which they have not received any transfusion or sur-gical operation. The positivity was evaluated using by second generation ELISA system. Patients are consist of 14 lung cancer (Ca), 7 lymphoma, 5 breast Ca, 5 hipernephroma and 15 other tumors. Anti-HCV positivity was in 5 (10.8%) of 46 pa-tients, and 4 of this positive patients were with lung Ca (4114,28.5%), and 1 was with brain Ca (113). ALT levels were normal, serum iron and iron-binding capacily were decrased in all patients, hae-moglobin and haemotocrit were also decreased in 73.9% of patients. In addition, 3 patients (6.5%) HBsAg, 21 patients (45.6%) anti HBc were found to be positive. As a result, the high positivity of anti-HBc while the HBsAg was low positive showed that there was IIBV infection, and the HCV infecton was alsa expected with the same transmission ways. Anti-HCV positivity as a marker of HCV infection-which can produce the chronic carrier state is more expected in cancer patients. They have allected immun status than normal population, but 4 of 5 posi-tivity was in Lung Ca patients is of great interest.
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The Anti-HCV Seropositivity in Patients with Different Solid Tumors
, Vol. 9 (2)
Received : 22.10.1993, Accepted : 22.10.1993, Published Online : 22.10.2020
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