The Associated Injuries in Pelvic Fractures

Mehmet Arazi, M. İ. Safa Kapıcıoğlu, Abdurrahman Kutlu, Bahri Kasal

  • Year : 1994
  • Vol : 10
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 337-344
Pelvic fractures associated with blunt trauma contributed significantly to morbidity and mortality.We reviewed 271 patients with pelvic fractures which were treated between March 1985 and Sep-tember 1994 in this study. Tint average age of pa-tients was 26.7 (between 3-70) years. The majority of the patients (%41.3) had one or more associated injuries: 43 with blunt abdominal trauma, 27 with - genitourinary tract injuries, 23 with thoracic in-juries, 22 with head trauma, 4 with neurologic in-juries and 3 with vascular injuries. There were Jive open pelvic fractures. Altough the overall mortality was %5.5 the mortality rate in. unstable pelvic "'Fac-tures was %9.6. The major causes of death in our patients were closed head injury, intra-abdontinal and intro-pelvic hemorrhage. The pelvic .fractures with associated injuries are serious trauma and re-quire more prompt and effective treatment methods.
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The Associated Injuries in Pelvic Fractures
, Vol. 10 (3)
Received : 16.10.1994, Accepted : 16.10.1994, Published Online : 16.10.2020
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