The determination of HDL-Cholesterol levels as Cardiovascular risk factor in Hirsutism.

MEHMET GÜRBİLEK, MEHMET AKÖZ, HÜSEYİN VURAL, Mürsel Gökçen, Mahmut Ay, Mine Kaymakçı

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 21-25
In this study, the serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol. HDL2-cholesterol and HDL3- cholesterol levels of 23 hirsutic patient were compared with 18 normal women. HDL-cholesterol and HDL2-cholesterol levels were significantly lower in hirsutic group than in control (p<0.01). It is known that low levels of HDL-cholesterol can he considered as a risk marker for atherosclerozis. We conculuded that low HDL-cholesterol and HDL2- cholesterol leyel.s- in hirsutism may constitute an im-portant risk factor.
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The determination of HDL-Cholesterol levels as Cardiovascular risk factor in Hirsutism.
, Vol. 12 (1)
Received : 15.10.1996, Accepted : 15.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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