The Effects of Sex Hormones at İnflammation and Fibrosis of Experimental Acut Cholecystitis


  • Year : 2006
  • Vol : 22
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 29-34
Aim: To identify the effects of sex hormones on inflammation and fibrosis on and around gall bladder. Material and method: In this study 48 rabbit (24 male, 24 female) was used. Acute cholecysstitis was achived by cystic canal ligature (SCL) except control groups. Female (DI, DII, DIII, DIV) and male (EI, EII, EIII, EIV) groups had 4 subgroups, each consist of 6 members. Macroscopic findings of acute cholecystitis were evoluated. Adhesive bands around gall bladder and biopsies from gall bladder were protected in deep freezer. Fibrotic bands and gall bladder were analyzed for hidroxyprolin (HP) and collagen. Results: Acute cholecystitis was developed in all subjects macroscopically. On male subjects adhesions around gall bladder were seen more intensively. Result of subjects with ooferectomy were close to male subjects. On castrated male subjects adhesions were similar to female subjects. The adhessons were less at female subjects with ooferectomy with external estrogen use. The lesions were more at castrated male subjects with external testosteron use. These findings were relevant with quantitative values of HP. Collagen were found more in male subjects compored to female subjects. Conclusion: The results is castrated males were similar to those in females and with usage of external testosteron male type results were achieved. And the similarity of results in female subjects with ooferectomy to males achivement of female type results with usage of external estrogens clearly shows us inflammation and fibrosis increasing effect of male sex hormones in acute cholecystitis.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
The Effects of Sex Hormones at İnflammation and Fibrosis of Experimental Acut Cholecystitis
, Vol. 22 (1)
Received : 16.12.2005, Accepted : 16.12.2005, Published Online : 30.09.2020
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