The Evaluation Of Amniocentesis Cases Made For Genetic Examination In One-Year Period


  • Year : 2011
  • Vol : 27
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 6-10
The aim of this study is to evaluate the indications, results and complications of amniocentesis that we performed in our clinic. Between January 2008 and January 2009 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of Selcuk University Meram Medicine Faculty, 617 amniocentesis procedure were performed for many indications in their 16-22nd weeks of gestations. The outcomes were analyzed. The mean age of mother was 32.43±6.66 (18-44) and the mean age of father was 35.79±7.42 (19-61). The mean gestational week was 17.68±2.82 and mean gravidity was 3.03±3.76 (1-12). The biggest amniocentesis indication group was high risk at prenatal screening test with 272 (44.1%) cases. Followed by the advanced maternal age with 203 (32.9%). Chromosomal abnormality was found in 30 (4.94%) cases after the result of karyotype analyses, 18 (60%) of these abnormalities were found in the group of >35 years old. In 15 patients Trisomy-21, in 3 cases Trisomy-18, in 2 cases Turner, in one case mosaicism (46XX/XY), in 4 cases translocation and in 5 cases inversion type chromosomal abnormality was detected. Of the 617 amniocenteses, 3 (0.48%) had fetal losses. The cause of abortion was early membrane rupture in two cases and cramps and vaginal bleeding in one case. Amniocentesis is the most commonly preferred and reliable invasive prenatal test for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease with minimal complications. Amniocentesis is an important prenatal diagnostic method which must be used when there is accurate indication.
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The Evaluation Of Amniocentesis Cases Made For Genetic Examination In One-Year Period
, Vol. 27 (1)
Received : 22.04.2010, Accepted : 22.04.2010, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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