The Findings Of 539 Anemic Patients Who Hospitalized Between 1996-2003


  • Year : 2015
  • Vol : 31
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 109-112
In this study, the clinical and laboratory findings of 539 anemic patients who were hospitalized between 1996 and 2003 in Hematology inpatient clinics of Internal Medicine Department in Selçuk University Meram Medical Faculty, were evaluated. In our study the most common anemia was Fe deficiency anemia, there were 280 patients, it was seen three-fold more in women. In premenapausal period, menomethrorhagea was the most common cause (48%) in women. Among postmenapausal women and men, the most gastrointestinal hemorrhageas. In our patients, the rate of lesions which might bleed observed in colonoscopy. The second common cause of anemias was vit B12 deficiency causing megaloblastic anemias. In our study, cobalamine deficiency was detected in 115 patients.Thirty two patients had both Fe and vit B12 deficiencies. Twenty one patients had folic acid deficiency anemia. In our study, 28 patients had hemolytic. Twentysix patients had aplastic anemia. Twenty seven patients had chronic disease anemias. Four female patients had myelodysplastic syndrome with refractory anemia and 6 patients had anemia due to chronic kidney failure. Our study was carried out in inpatient clinics. Anemia, affecting all systems, makes many diseases worse. That’s why, it’s an important health problem.
Cite this Article As : Ünlüer KGA,Ecirli Ş.1996-2003 Yılları Arasında Serviste Yatırılarak Tetkik Edilen 539 Anemili Hastanın Değerlendirilmesi,Selçuk Med J 2015;31(3): 109-112.
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
The Findings Of 539 Anemic Patients Who Hospitalized Between 1996-2003
, Vol. 31 (3)
Received : 29.12.2014, Accepted : 29.12.2014, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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