The influence of treatment on the visual evoked cortical responses in patients with porkinson disease

ORHAN DEMİR, Nurhan İlhan, Ayşe Güvenç

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 81-85
Several have reported that in patients with Par-kinson disease the amplitude and latency of the vi-sual evoked cortical potentials show some dif-ference. By especially emphasising the role of Dopamine on the electrogenesis of VEP amplitude, it has been suggested that the low amplitude level of VEP seen in patients with Parkinson disease arises from the Dopamine deficiency. This study compares the VEP changes obtained from patients with Par-kinson, with control group and investigates if there has been any difference in VEP latency and amp-litude before and after the dopaminerjik treatment. VEP studies have been carried out on 19 patients with Parkinson optimum healing period. The amp-litudes (12-12:9,4±4.7 mV) and latecies (112,5±10,9ms) obtained before the treatment have been statistically compared with the amplitudes (L2-L3:12,4±7,2mV) and latencies (113 ,4±9,4ms) obtained before the tre-atment. While there has been no changes in la-tencies obtained before and after the treatment (p>0.05), the VEP amplitude obtained after the tre-atment has been recorded appreciable different (p>0.05) than the one recorded before the treatment. These findings therefore gave support to the earlier opinions that the Dopamine treatment has influence on the electrogenesis of the VEP amplitude.
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The influence of treatment on the visual evoked cortical responses in patients with porkinson disease
, Vol. 12 (1)
Received : 15.10.1996, Accepted : 15.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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