The nista] Femoral Secondary Epiphyseal Os-sification Center in the Assessment of Fetal Age and Maturation: Sonographic Identification and Measurement

KEMAL ÖDEV, Hikmet Karabacak, Sema Soysal, Ergün Onur, Mustafa Erken

  • Year : 1992
  • Vol : 8
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 391-399
The distal femoral epiphseal secondary os-sification center (DEE), which can be reliably iden-tified and measured sonographically is a practical and reliable method in predicting third trimester menstrual age. The mean age at the DFE ap-pearance is approximatelv ıhe 32-33 mensırual weeks and between 30 and 35 menstrual weeks, the perrentage offetuses with a DEE progressively inc-reases measurement of the DEE indicated that its size showed a linear increase with gestational age.
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The nista] Femoral Secondary Epiphyseal Os-sification Center in the Assessment of Fetal Age and Maturation: Sonographic Identification and Measurement
, Vol. 8 (3)
Received : 24.10.1992, Accepted : 24.10.1992, Published Online : 24.10.2020
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