The Prevalence of Depression Among Im-migrants Who To Inumgrate From Country To The Center of Van Because of Safety Problems

Hayrettin Kara, Yücel Ağargün, Nevzat Akman, Hasan Bilgin, Fevzi Kıncır

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 165-170
In almost all the studies made about immigration it has been found out that the rates of mental prob-lems are more common among the immigrants and refugees than the living inhabitants of the region. The reasons of migration, the events that take place during the migration, the problems that arise after migration have negative influences on the mental he-alth with a complicated interaction. Especially, du-ring the last year widespread immigrations have taken place from the country villages to the center of Van because of safety problems. In this study dep-ression prevalence has been investigated among the immigrants who to leave their homeland and settle in the center of Van. To achieve this aim, 122 im-migrants who have been living in different regions and who had been chosen at random by an exemp-lary method., have interviewed using DIS. Besides, in order to get enough knowledge about the inf-luences of migration on their mental life, a qu-estionnaire has been applied on the immigrants. Consucently, the depression prevalence was found predominnantly higher in nien than in women.
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The Prevalence of Depression Among Im-migrants Who To Inumgrate From Country To The Center of Van Because of Safety Problems
, Vol. 12 (2)
Received : 14.10.1996, Accepted : 14.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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