The Relaxant Effects of Verapamil, Nifedipine and Nitrendipine in Isolated Rat Gastro-Oesophageal Sphincter

AHMET KAYA, ERGİN ŞİNGİRİK, Necdet Doğan, Ekrem Çiçek, Laika Karabulut

  • Year : 1989
  • Vol : 5
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 9-14
In this in vitro study performed in the rat gastro-esophageal sphincter, the relaxing effects of verapamil, nifedipine and nitrendipine, which are Ca2 + channel blockers, on contractions due to carbachol were investigated. When the% relaxations obtained with the said antagonists were compared, it was seen that verapamil and nitrendipine relaxed at the same rate, whereas the relaxation achieved with nitrendipine was lower than the other two drugs.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
The Relaxant Effects of Verapamil, Nifedipine and Nitrendipine in Isolated Rat Gastro-Oesophageal Sphincter
, Vol. 5 (1)
Received : 23.11.1989, Accepted : 23.11.1989, Published Online : 23.11.2020
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