The Value Cut Point Of Waist, Ankle And Neck Circumference In Patients With Diabetes


  • Year : 2015
  • Vol : 31
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 24-26
It is well known that a close relationship between the insulin resistance due to an increased fat tissue and development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. We performed to determine cut points value of waist circumference (WC), neck circumference (NC), ankle circumference (AC) for patients with a diagnosis of diabetes. 264 patients who admitted to Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Endocrinology Clinic for 6 months, were included in the study. Height, weight, WC, NC and AC measurements were noted. In addition same parameters were noted from 80 healthy volunteers. When both groups were compared in patients with diabetes, WC, NC and AC measurements were significantly higher (each p<0.001) than healty volunters. WC cut-off values were performed 87.5cm (87% sensitivity, 89.6% specifity), NC cut-off value was 33.5 cm (87% sensitivity- 85% specificity), AC cut-off value was 21.2 cm (76% sensitivity- 89% specifity), in women with ROC Curve method. The cut-off values in males; 90.5 cm (84% sensitivity, 77% specifity), 36.1 cm (77% sensitivity- 84% specifity), 22.5 cm (76% sensitivity78% specifity), respectively. WC, NC and AC can be used easily in clinical, these measurements can help to determine the risk for diabetes screening patients.
Cite this Article As : Turan E,Savut B,Kulaksızoğlu M,Uyar M, Karakurt F, Kaya A.Diyabetli Hastalarda Bel Çevresi,Boyun Çevresi ve Ayak Bileği Çevresinin Kesim Nokta Değerleri.Selçuk Med J 2015;31(1): 24-26
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
The Value Cut Point Of Waist, Ankle And Neck Circumference In Patients With Diabetes
, Vol. 31 (1)
Received : 04.11.2014, Accepted : 04.11.2014, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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