The value of AgNORs in differantiated preneoplastic and neoplastik endometrial lesions

İbrahim H. Özercan, Bengü Çobanoğlu

  • Year : 2002
  • Vol : 18
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 79-81
The aim of the study was carried out to investigate the diagnostic value of the AgNOR to distinguishing betvveen preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the endometrium. Retrospective analysis included tissue material obtained from 50 patients with simple and complex hyperplasia with and without atypia and well differantiated endometrial adenocarcinoma. Sections were stained with AgNOR technique. The results obtained indicate that AgNOR counts have statistical significant in differantiating betvveen well differantiated endometrial adenocarcinoma and, simple hyperplasia and complex hyperplasia with and vvithout atypia.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
The value of AgNORs in differantiated preneoplastic and neoplastik endometrial lesions
, Vol. 18 (2)
Received : 02.10.2001, Accepted : 02.10.2001, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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