The value of free T3 level as a hepatic failure index in chronic liver diseases


  • Year : 2002
  • Vol : 18
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 109-112
Most of the coagulation factors and their proteins are synthesized in the liver. Therefore many kind of coagulation disorders occur during chronic liver diseases. Prothrombin time (PT) is one of the most important coagulation tests which can be used in chronic liver diseases as the first line measurement of the severity of hepatic tissue insuffi- ciency. On the other hand the level of thyroid hormone can often change during chronic liver diseases. İn our study we measured PT and free T3 values of the patients with chronic liver diseases diagnosed by clinical findings and confirmed histopathologically and we also compared them with the same parameters obtained from the healh con- trol group with chronic liver diseases. İn the patient group we have detected significant decrease in free T3 and an increase in PT and a negative correlation between free T3 and PT. V/e think that, the decreased level of free T3 , is a manifestation of decreased liver tissue capacity and tike PT it can be used as a hepatic failure index.
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The value of free T3 level as a hepatic failure index in chronic liver diseases
, Vol. 18 (2)
Received : 08.02.2002, Accepted : 08.02.2002, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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