Traumatic Arteriovenous Fistulas

İslam Kaklıkkaya, Ramis Özdemir, Hakan Filizlioğlu, Fahri Özcan

  • Year : 1996
  • Vol : 12
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 337-342
Treatment and Follow up Traumatic arteriovenous fistulas are mostly occur as a result of penetrating injuries and so-metimes iatrojenic causes. Surgical treatment was performed on 8 tra-umatic arteriovenous fistula cases between the dates September 1989 and February 1996. Two patients were female and six patients were male ages ranged between 1.5 to 44. Etiology was gun shut wound in 5, stuhing and penetrating wound in 2 and as a re-sult of puncture to vein in I. Time interval after tra-uma was ranged between I day and 10 years. Ar-teriovenous fistulas were ntnd in the localization of right femoral artery - femoral vein in 3, left popliteal artery - vein in 1, left posterior tibial artery - vein in 1, right carotis artery - internal juguler vein and left brachial artery - basilic vein in I. Arterial end to end anastomosis in 5, primary arterial repair in 1. ar-terial prosthetic graft intopozitions in 1 and otojen yen patch angioplasty in I were used for the closure of the arteriovenous fistulas. Venous primary repair in 5, otogen safenous vein graft interposition in I. ve-nous ligation in 2 were used for the closure of the ar-teriovenous fistulas which venous repair.
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Traumatic Arteriovenous Fistulas
, Vol. 12 (3)
Received : 14.10.1996, Accepted : 14.10.1996, Published Online : 14.10.2020
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