Tuberculous spondylitis with bilateral pleural effusion


  • Year : 2000
  • Vol : 16
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 45-47
We were reported a case of Pott's disease with bilateral pleural effusion in a 67-year- old male patient. The primary çare physician commenced anti-microbial therapy by considering the non-specific pleuritis. hovvever, four months after his first complatins, Progressive back pain and weakness of lower limbs was occured. By further examination, we diagnosed an active tuberculous spondylitis of the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae. Operative intervention was undertaken because of neurological findings. VVe also started anti-tuberculous chemotherapy. A proper clinical and redaiological response to chemoterapy and surgery was observed at the last follow-up.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Tuberculous spondylitis with bilateral pleural effusion
, Vol. 16 (1)
Received : 03.10.2000, Accepted : 03.10.2000, Published Online : 03.10.2020
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