Tuberkulin skin test results in central primary school children with and without BCG vaccination of Konya


  • Year : 2004
  • Vol : 20
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 13-20
In this study, we have planned to determine: The vaccination situation of the two age groups of children in the first and fifth classes of the primary schools of Konya province by looking at the BCG scars; the effects of BCG vaccination to tuberculin tests; the tuberculin reaction that can distinguish the natural infection in one time vaccinated children. We have also investigated the situation of tuberculosis infection in Konya province for contituting data for our region. We have included 2652 students of first and fifth classes of the primary school (1374 and 1188). 414 (16.2%) of the children had no BCG vaccinations. 2029 (%79.2) of the vaccinated 2148 children had only one and 119 (%4.6) children had two vaccinations. Mean tuberculin endurations were respectively 1,186±2,188 mm 4,489±4,643 mm and 10.890±4.037 mm in unvaccinated and in the children who had waccinated twice. Morower, 9(%2.2) of the unvaccinated 414 children, 438 (21.6) of one time vaccinated 2029 children and 85 (%70.5) of two times vaccinated 119 children had 10mm or larger endurtions. The infection rate was %4.2 in the whole group. In the group of unvaccinated children, the risk of yearly infections was 0.22 in the 7 year old children group and 0.31 in the 11 year old children group. As a result, we have determined that vaccinations in the newborn age group are succesfull but revaccinations are not enough. BCG vaccination is increasing the tuberculin reaction and pozitive tuberculin enduration is ≤14 mm.
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Tuberkulin skin test results in central primary school children with and without BCG vaccination of Konya
, Vol. 20 (1)
Received : 15.12.2003, Accepted : 15.12.2003, Published Online : 01.10.2020
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