Two Cases of Syphilis and Condylomata Lata

ŞÜKRÜ BALEVİ, Hüseyin Tol, Hüseyin Endoğru, Müfide Bozkürk, Ayfer Özkardeş, Alaalldin Atalık

  • Year : 1992
  • Vol : 8
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 151-158
Syhilis, in the group of sexuallY transmitted di-seases, maintains its importance' over the world and in our countm Iiı recent years, a trend tv increase iıt. cases of syphilis has been observed. Among causes of this trend are social, ecoıtomic and moral factors. Two cases with Condylomata lata and other symptoms of secondarv svphilis vere presemed be-cause of the importance of the subject.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Two Cases of Syphilis and Condylomata Lata
, Vol. 8 (1)
Received : 26.10.1992, Accepted : 26.10.1992, Published Online : 26.10.2020
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