Ultrasonie identification of Scrotal l'oıhologies and Undescended Testis

SAİM AÇIKGÖZOĞLU, KEMAL ÖDEV, Oktay Işık, Ali Gökalp, Yener Gültekin, Bülent Özdeşlik

  • Year : 1989
  • Vol : 5
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 132-142
It was examined iwo hundreci and seven cases havıng the unders-cended iestis and scrotal patholo-gy by ultrasonography. Ultrasonographic findings were discussed in association with clinical and op-eration findings. It was discussed that, ultrasonography coıdd give US positive chıes in Ille investiga. tion of dillerential diagnosis of clinic and subclinic varicocele and undescended testis.
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Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Ultrasonie identification of Scrotal l'oıhologies and Undescended Testis
, Vol. 5 (2)
Received : 23.11.1989, Accepted : 23.11.1989, Published Online : 23.11.2020
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