Ultrasonographic Assessment Of The Airway Anatomy And Clinical Use


  • Year : 2015
  • Vol : 31
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 88-94
The identification of the airway anatomy and associated pathological structures are the basic clinical skills for the especially specialists of anesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, chest diseases and ENT. There are a lot of anatomical structures, which affect the airway management and external anatomical landmarks are insufficient for the complete evaluation of these structures, even in the best conditions. Bedside ultrasonography, which is used especially in the vascular interventions and regional anesthesia applications extensively, can also be useful in the visualization of the airway structures. In this paper, these two issues of how the airway structures can be visualized by USG and of how this information can be used in clinics are defined together with the literature.
Cite this Article As : Kılıçaslan A,Topal A,Erol A, Gök F.Havayolu Anatomisinin Ultrasonografik Olarak İncelenmesi ve Klinik Kullanımı. Selcuk Med J 2015;31(2): 88-94
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Ultrasonographic Assessment Of The Airway Anatomy And Clinical Use
, Vol. 31 (2)
Received : 15.11.2014, Accepted : 15.11.2014, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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