Undescended Testis In Children And New Treatment Approaches


  • Year : 2011
  • Vol : 27
  • Issue : 2
  •  Page : 121-123
To prevent testicular degeneration caused by the effect of temperature, infertility, the formation of groin hernias, testicular torsion, predisposition to travma and negative effect to children psychologically at the children who had undescended testes are important. The testis doesn’t descend into the scrotum if hemiscrotum doesn’t grow sufficiently. If right or left scrotum appears to be normal, testis ascends or is retractil. Testes at the children who had retractil testes remain in scrotum after drawing into scrotum, the size of the testes are normal and the testes are frequently in scrotum since before. Ectopic testis can be localised at the regions of perineal, femoral, pubisopenil regions or contralateral scrotum. Orchiopexy or laparoscopic orchiopexy is performed after observing the children, who had undescended testis for one year. Surgical procedure should be carried out without waiting for the children who had ectopic testes, but not for the children who had retractile testis.
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Undescended Testis In Children And New Treatment Approaches
, Vol. 27 (2)
Received : 22.12.2009, Accepted : 22.12.2009, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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