Unusual Coincidences In Gunshot Wound Cases: Two Case Reports


  • Year : 2018
  • Vol : 34
  • Issue : 1
  •  Page : 36-39
In this study two cases were presented, whom had suspicion of intraabdominal gunshot wound and were followed conservatively despite the misleading radiological results, and we aimed to emphasize the importance of anamnesis and physical examination. Abdominal tomography results of two male patients aged 20 and 34, who were admitted to the emergency department with gunshot wounds in early phase, revealed that the patients had gunshot pellets in their gastrointestinal tracts. Upon observing that the patients had no peritoneal irritation signs, incongruous with the radiological results, their anamnesis were questioned in a more detailed manner. Ultimately, it was learnt that both patients had been hunting and had eaten game meat a short while before the incident. We thought that the gunshot pellets seen in their intestines were related to the game meat they had eaten and the patients were discharged without any problems following medical follow-up. These cases, which were seen to have gunshot pellets in the gastrointestinal tract as revealed by abdominal tomography results and were followed-up medically without any problems, show that, well questioned anamnesis alongside with careful physical examination and monitorization principles prove to be significant in preventing unnecessary laparotomy procedures in patients receiving medical follow-up after intra-abdominal gunshot injuries.
Cite this Article As : Taşçı Hİ, Küçükkartallar T, Yıldırım MA. Ateşli Silah Yaralanmasında Sıra Dışı Raslantılar: 2 Olgu Sunumu. Selcuk Med J 2018;34(1): 36-39
Description : None of the authors, any product mentioned in this article, does not have a material interest in the device or drug. Research, not supported by any external organization. grant full access to the primary data and, if requested by the magazine they agree to allow the examination of data.
Unusual Coincidences In Gunshot Wound Cases: Two Case Reports
, Vol. 34 (1)
Received : 11.02.2016, Accepted : 11.02.2016, Published Online : 13.08.2018
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