Protective Effects of Verapamil, Allopurinol and Endomethasin in the Histopathological De-triages Occured During ESWL Procedures in Rab-bits.

MURAT BÜYÜKDOĞAN, ALİ ACAR, ŞÜKRÜ ÇELİK, İBRAHİM ÜNAL SERT, Mehmet Özeroğlu, Özden Vural, Ercüment Y. Acarer

  • Yıl : 1994
  • Cilt : 10
  • Sayı : 3
  •  Sayfa : 401-408
ESit'L is a safe and commonly used therapeutic modallyty in the treatment of upper urinary system stones. However, clinical studies have revealed some structural deformities in kidneys following ESWL treatment. The renal paranchymal protective effects of some drugs, such as verapamil, allopurinol and in-domerhasin are well known. In this study, the renal parandvmal demages due to ESWL and the protective effects of verapamil, al-lopurinol and indomethasin on this dernage were ey-perimentaly investigated in rabbits. Macro and microscopic changes in the effected kidney, after ESWL applications, were demostrated but no protective results of those drugs were ob-served even though the drugs had increased harp jill effects in the kidneys.
Atıf yapmak için :
Açıklama : Yazarların hiçbiri, bu makalede bahsedilen herhangi bir ürün, aygıt veya ilaç ile ilgili maddi çıkar ilişkisine sahip değildir. Araştırma, herhangi bir dış organizasyon tarafından desteklenmedi.Yazarlar çalışmanın birincil verilerine tam erişim izni vermek ve derginin talep ettiği takdirde verileri incelemesine izin vermeyi kabul etmektedirler.
Protective Effects of Verapamil, Allopurinol and Endomethasin in the Histopathological De-triages Occured During ESWL Procedures in Rab-bits.
, Vol. 10 (3)
Geliş Tarihi : 16.10.1994, Kabul Tarihi : 16.10.1994, Yayın Tarihi : 16.10.2020
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