Surgical 7'reatment of Congenital Dislocation of The Hip in Clildrert Between The Ages One Year and Six Months and Four Years

Abdurrahman Kutlu, RECEP MEMİK, Erhan Yıldırım, Mahmut Mutlu

  • Yıl : 1989
  • Cilt : 5
  • Sayı : 2
  •  Sayfa : 31-37
The results in 58 congenitally dislocated hips in 43 children who were between one and a half four years okl have been reviewed. There were 35 girls and 8 boys. Open reduciion (OR) was perfortned in one hip, Salter's innornintne osteolotny (S10) was perforrned in three hips, OR and SIO were perfortned in 43 hips, OR, SfO derotation varus and fernoral shortenin were performed 11 patients. Ali of the patients have been followed at least one yer (average nventy-two months). Using Severin classification of radiographic evalualion, 48 hips (83 per cent) vere telated as excellent, 6 hips (10 per cent) as good, one hip (2 per cent) as fair and three hips (5 per cent) as failure. Clinical avaluation was made using Mc Kay's criteria and 47 hips (81 per cera) were related as excellent. Seven hips (12 per sent) as good, three hips (5 per cent) as fair, one hip (2 per cent) as failure. Avascular necrosis developed in one side, there was one redislocation
Atıf yapmak için :
Açıklama : Yazarların hiçbiri, bu makalede bahsedilen herhangi bir ürün, aygıt veya ilaç ile ilgili maddi çıkar ilişkisine sahip değildir. Araştırma, herhangi bir dış organizasyon tarafından desteklenmedi.Yazarlar çalışmanın birincil verilerine tam erişim izni vermek ve derginin talep ettiği takdirde verileri incelemesine izin vermeyi kabul etmektedirler.
Surgical 7'reatment of Congenital Dislocation of The Hip in Clildrert Between The Ages One Year and Six Months and Four Years
, Vol. 5 (2)
Geliş Tarihi : 23.11.1989, Kabul Tarihi : 23.11.1989, Yayın Tarihi : 23.11.2020
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