The Effects of Atrial Natriuretic Peptides on Hypertension


  • Yıl : 1991
  • Cilt : 7
  • Sayı : 4
  •  Sayfa : 561-564
Elevation of systolic or diastolic blood pressure as primary (essential) or secondary is called hypertension (1). It is impossible to attribute essential hypertension to a single etiological factor. It is certain that inheritance provides a favorable ground for hypertension, but many other factors, including environmental, neurogenic, humoral and vascular, can have an effect on blood pressure (2). Sodium plays an important role in the etiology of essential hypertension. However, it was not previously known how sodium increases blood pressure. It was thought that there might be a deficiency in sodium excretion of the kidneys or a genetic factor. It was later explained that natriurctic hormone, which is effective in sodium excretion from the kidneys, inhibits sodium pumps from renal tubule cells (3). In addition, the amount of water and sodium in the arteriolar walls of hypertensive patients is higher than normal. Therefore, compression of the vascular lumen may increase peripheral resistance (4).
Atıf yapmak için :
Açıklama : Yazarların hiçbiri, bu makalede bahsedilen herhangi bir ürün, aygıt veya ilaç ile ilgili maddi çıkar ilişkisine sahip değildir. Araştırma, herhangi bir dış organizasyon tarafından desteklenmedi.Yazarlar çalışmanın birincil verilerine tam erişim izni vermek ve derginin talep ettiği takdirde verileri incelemesine izin vermeyi kabul etmektedirler.
The Effects of Atrial Natriuretic Peptides on Hypertension
, Vol. 7 (4)
Geliş Tarihi : 13.11.1991, Kabul Tarihi : 13.11.1991, Yayın Tarihi : 13.11.2020
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