Treattnent of Congenital Dislocation of the Ilip from Birdh tü Eighteen Monllıs of Age

RECEP MEMİK, Abdurrahman Kutlu, Necmettin Reis, Erhan Yıldırım

  • Yıl : 1989
  • Cilt : 5
  • Sayı : 3
  •  Sayfa : 129-136
İn the manegement of CDH, the first 18 monhs of lıfe i,r by far the most critical period. The ezcellent results that can be obtained by early treatment. The goal of treattnent is to return the femoral head to its normal relationship within the acetebulum and rnaintain 'his position until pathologic change reverse... The early results of 164 CD1-1 in 97 patients have been reviewed between 1983 and 1987. 68 patients who were between 6 days and 6 monihs old were treated by triple diapers, Wrejka pillows and vonRosen splints. 29 patients who were between 1,5 months and 17 months old. were treated by closed reduction under general anesthesia and immobolization in a hip-spica cast. All of the hips were normal clinically. Radiologically there were subluxation in one hip and avascular necrosis in three hips.
Atıf yapmak için :
Açıklama : Yazarların hiçbiri, bu makalede bahsedilen herhangi bir ürün, aygıt veya ilaç ile ilgili maddi çıkar ilişkisine sahip değildir. Araştırma, herhangi bir dış organizasyon tarafından desteklenmedi.Yazarlar çalışmanın birincil verilerine tam erişim izni vermek ve derginin talep ettiği takdirde verileri incelemesine izin vermeyi kabul etmektedirler.
Treattnent of Congenital Dislocation of the Ilip from Birdh tü Eighteen Monllıs of Age
, Vol. 5 (3)
Geliş Tarihi : 20.11.1989, Kabul Tarihi : 20.11.1989, Yayın Tarihi : 20.11.2020
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