Post-traumatic pseudocysts of lung


  • Year : 2001
  • Vol : 17
  • Issue : 3
  •  Page : 207-212
Post-traumatic pseudocysts of lung are rarely seen complications of blunt chest traumas. Usually spontaneous resolution is seen in 2- 4 months after trauma, but a few of them are get into abscess or tension cyst formation after Progressive expansion and in these circumstances surgical resection is indicated. Radiologically they are frequently seen as thin-wall cysts consisting air-liquid levels. Unless they had a drainage bronchus in the beginning they are usually seen as pulmonary hematomas due to hemorrhage. 14/e herein report 15, 17, 47 and 49 year old four cases who were hospitalized for blunt chest traumas in our clinic. Three of them were male and one was female. Ali the pseudocysts localized in the right lung, and in two of the case the cysts resolved in a period of 2.5 and 4 months with medical treatment. But in two cases surgical treatment needed for their Progressive expansions.
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Post-traumatic pseudocysts of lung
, Vol. 17 (3)
Received : 01.02.2001, Accepted : 01.02.2001, Published Online : 02.10.2020
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